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How can I change the background color of a Tab Control. I changed the forms color, but the tabs stay the same.
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lamcroGroup by dan agregate function (fungsi agregat) adalah fungsi dalam microsoft access yang digunakan untuk menampilkan dan menyeleksi sekumpulan data berdasarkan kelompok atau kriteria tertentu. Tab Menu Ribbon Buatan Sendiri di Microsoft Access. Contoh Jurnal Umum dan Jurnal Penyesuaian di Microsoft Access. Apa Fungsi Ribbon Tabs in title. Ribbon Helper for Office Business & Productivity Tools, Free to try. Tabs for Access x64 brings a tab bar between Microsoft Access Ribbon and workspace. It enables multiple Access files displayed in one Access window. The ApPHP Tabs is a simple PHP script that generates multilevel tab menu control which. With Access 2010, setting the color of the 'Pressed Color' property in a tab control object allows you to set the background color of a tab page. With Access 2013, also setting the color of the 'Back Color' property for the tab control (to the same color as the 'Pressed Color') was necessary.
lamcro7 Answers
Check the Back Style of the Tab Control. If it's Normal. you'll get a gray background (with normal Windows settings). If it's Transparent then it will inherit the background colour of the form.
If you want it to be an entirely different colour, you might have to add a rectangle to the form (make the background non-transparent), maximise it within the tab and then set the colour of the rectangle.
As for the tabs them selves, I don't see a way of setting their colour independently.
BIBDBIBDAs far as I know, in Access 2000/2002/2003 it's impossible to change neither background, not foreground colors of the tabs.
So, if you want to change the appearance of entire tab control, I think you are out of luck.
However, if your real goal is to implement some sort of color-coding of a tab control's pages, here is what I did when I had this problem:
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I placed a colored rectangle on each page of the tab control to provide different background colors for different pages.
As for tabs themselves. Fortunately they can contain images, so I created trivial image files, each of which was a small colored bullet (square, rectangle, circle - whatever looks nicer to you) and placed them on tabs, next to text labels.
Thus, the entire control still remained grey (or whatever is the current 'button color' in the Windows's current theme), but each tab and each page got associated with whatever colors I needed them to have.
YarikYarikWith Access 2010, setting the color of the 'Pressed Color' property in a tab control object allows you to set the background color of a tab page.

With Access 2013, also setting the color of the 'Back Color' property for the tab control (to the same color as the 'Pressed Color') was necessary.
CodeSlave made the very good suggestion:
If you want it to be an entirely different colour, you might have to add a rectangle to the form (make the background non-transparent), maximise it within the tab and then set the colour of the rectangle.
If you want to have a background that is larger in relation to the tab dimensions than the tab allows (there is a hard border that can't be exceeded), there is another solution (though it's somewhat more complicated -- which is what usually happens when you are tweaking appearance to not work the way your default environment is designed to work).
Set the tab control to transparent. Behind the tab, place a non-transparent box. Then in the OnChange event of the tab, change the background color of the box behind the tab.
Kinda messy, yes, but it allows you to have a background that is as large as the whole tab (or larger still, in the event that you might want items off the tab inside the same color field).
Add Tabs To Access Forms
GEOCHETYou can mock this up with a little code. Set the the Style property to None for the tab control and the use any other control that has a click event to create your own colourful tabs (you can even have images). Your code can either change tabs, or change the contents of a subform.
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FionnualaFionnualaI have developed a subroutine to set the small rectangle at the right of the tabs to transparent. I tested it with Access 2003 and 2007.
Extending Duane Rochelle's helpful answer for Access 2010:
The problem seems to be that the names that Microsoft has given the properties that control the tab colours are contra-intuitive.
Basically, the color of the tabs can be controlled using the Pressed Color property. Look for it in the properties of the entire tab object, not the properties of individual tabs.
This means, setting Pressed Color to - for example - some kind of blue (say, #8EA3BD) makes all tabs blue. Since 'pressed' means actually 'the tab area is on top of the other tabs', this is more or less equivalent to colouring the tab area.
(For me personally, 'Pressed Color' is a misleading name. Of all tabs in a tab object, one is visible by default, even without anybody having 'pressed' a tab. A better name would be 'Background color of visible tab'.)
For the other elements of a tab object that one would like to paint:
For the colour of the text on the tab head (where you click to select the tab), use the Pressed Fore Color property.
For the background colour of tabs that are not visible (or 'hidden behind the currently open tab'), use the Back Color property.
For text on the heads of hidden tabs, use the Fore Color property.
Accordingly, I would find the following names more intuitive:
Ms Access Tab Control Vba
Background color of visible tab (now 'Pressed Color')
Text color of visible tab (now 'Pressed Fore Color')
Background color of hidden tab (now 'Back Color')
Text color of hidden tab (now 'Fore Color')
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Used with the Print # statement or the Print method to position output.

The optional nargument is the column number moved to before displaying or printing the next expression in a list. If omitted, Tab moves the insertion point to the beginning of the next print zone. This allows Tab to be used instead of a comma in locales where the comma is used as a decimal separator.
If the current print position on the current line is greater than n, Tab skips to the nth column on the next output line. If n is less than 1, Tab moves the print position to column 1. If n is greater than the output line width, Tab calculates the next print position using the formula:
n Mod width
For example, if width is 80 and you specify Tab(90), the next print will start at column 10 (the remainder of 90/80). If n is less than the current print position, printing begins on the next line at the calculated print position. If the calculated print position is greater than the current print position, printing begins at the calculated print position on the same line.
The leftmost print position on an output line is always 1. When you use the Print # statement to print to files, the rightmost print position is the current width of the output file, which you can set using the Width # statement.
Note: Make sure your tabular columns are wide enough to accommodate wide letters.
When you use the Tab function with the Print method, the print surface is divided into uniform, fixed-width columns. The width of each column is an average of the width of all characters in the point size for the chosen font. However, there is no correlation between the number of characters printed and the number of fixed-width columns those characters occupy. For example, the uppercase letter W occupies more than one fixed-width column and the lowercase letter i occupies less than one fixed-width column.
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Note: Examples that follow demonstrate the use of this function in a Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) module. For more information about working with VBA, select Developer Reference in the drop-down list next to Search and enter one or more terms in the search box.
This example uses the Tab function to position output in a file and in the Immediate window.
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The Tab function can also be used with the Print method. The following statement prints text starting at column 10.