- 000200 program-id. Sushanth bobby. November 2008. A sample db2 cobol multi-row select fetch program *** 000***** 000800* this is a simple cobol-db2 cursor program. 000900* this program select's all the row in the table.
- Members DSNTEJ5C and DSNTEJ5P in the DB2 library, SDSNSAMP, contain samples of the JCL required to prepare COBOL and PL/I programs for CICS. This sample COBOL program is adapted to run under Fujitsu COBOL It uses the input file SENIOR.DAT the disk that accomapnies the text. 000010 IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.
- Sample Cobol Db2 Program
- Sample Cobol Cics Db2 Programs
- Sample Cobol Db2 Program With Expla…
- Cobol Db2 Program
- Sample Cobol Program Source Code
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Sample Cobol Db2 Program
Compiling COBOL Programs
In order to execute a COBOL program in batch mode using JCL, the program needs to be compiled and a load module is created with all the sub-programs. The JCL uses the load module and not the actual program at the time of execution. The load libraries are concatenated and given to the JCL at the time of execution using JCLLIB or STEPLIB.
There are many mainframe compiler utilities available to compile a COBOL program. Some corporate companies use Change Management tools like Endevor, which compiles and stores every version of the program. This is useful in tracking the changes made to the program.
IGYCRCTL is an IBM COBOL compiler utility. The compiler options are passed using PARM parameter. In the above example, RMODE instructs the compiler to use relative addressing mode in the program. The COBOL program is passed using SYSIN parameter and the copybook is the library used by the program in SYSLIB.
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This JCL produces the load module of the program as output which is used as the input to the execution JCL.
Running COBOL Programs
Usb 30 host controller driver basler aca2040. Below a JCL example where the program MYPROG is executed using the input file MYDATA.URMI.INPUT and produces two output files written to the spool.
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The load module of MYPROG is located in MYDATA.URMI.LOADLIB. This is important to note that the above JCL can be used for a non-DB2 COBOL module only.
Sample Cobol Cics Db2 Programs
Passing Data to COBOL Programs

Data input to COBOL batch program can be through files, PARAM parameter and SYSIN DD statement. In the above example:
Data records are passed to MYPROG through file MYDATA.URMI.INPUT. Best escape room apps for mac pro. This file will be referred in the program using the DD name INPUT1. The file can be opened, read and closed in the program.
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The PARM parameter data ACCT5000 is received in the LINKAGE section of the program MYPROG in a variable defined within that section.
The data in the SYSIN statement is received through ACCEPT statement in the PROCEDURE division of the program. Every ACCEPT statement reads one whole record (i.e., CUST1 1000) into a working storage variable defined in the program. Change default mac app.
Running a COBOL-DB2 program
For running COBOL DB2 program, specialised IBM utility is used in the JCL and program; DB2 region and required parameters are passed as input to the utility.
Sample Cobol Db2 Program With Expla…
The below steps are followed in running a COBOL-DB2 program: Psp license folder download for android.
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Cobol Db2 Program
When a COBOL-DB2 program is compiled, a DBRM (Database Request Module) is created along with the load module. The DBRM contains the SQL statements of the COBOL programs with its syntax checked to be correct.
The DBRM is bound to the DB2 region (environment) in which the COBOL will run. This can be done using the IKJEFT01 utility in a JCL.
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After the bind step, the COBOL-DB2 program is run using IKJEFT01 (again) with the load library and DBRM library as the input to the JCL.
Sample Cobol Program Source Code
In the above example, MYCOBB is the COBOL-DB2 program run using IKJEFT01. Please note that the program name, DB2 Sub-System Id (SSID), DB2 Plan name are passed within the SYSTSIN DD statement. The DBRM library is specified in the STEPLIB.